Article Writing Services


One of the major aspects of content marketing, article writing is a meticulously written informative, descriptive or narrative content. Additionally, articles generate quality traffic, leads, thereby producing constructive marketing and sales strategy for an organization. Basically, it is a well-balanced blend of SEO Content Writing and Content Strategy. At Content Raj, we understand the importance of nitty-gritty and the technicalities which all article writing experts swear by. Depending on the type of industry and content requirement by the specific organization’s target audience and content strategy, articles can be written in both formal as well as informal tone. So, as we start discussing how and why Article Writing Services are crucial to a business, it is first important to realize the types of articles and their importance.

Types of Article Writing

At Content Raj, we clearly differentiate the varieties of content existing in the digital arena along with their respective advantages. Article writing, one of the marketing content types, can be categorized into various types as well.

Expository Article Writing Services

As the name suggests, expository articles focus on exposing a solution using the descriptions available about an issue, product, service et cetera using facts and figures. The motive of writing expository articles is to furnish the relevant tasks in a write-up and inform the reader about the subject-matter of the topic.

These types of articles mainly include solutions and processes in detail to assist the readers in their queries. Preferred by most of the article writers, expository writing majorly focuses on taking a stand, either for or against the motion. Following the proper logical sequence, some of the well-known expository write-ups include How-To guides, explanatory recipe tips, and life-hacks articles.

Other expository articles types covered by Content Raj include:

  • Textbook Writing
  • Business Writing
  • Technical Writing

Descriptive Article Writing Services

The descriptive form of article writing is executed when the writer is reporting something to his readers. The main purpose of this writing is, as the name says, to describe. This information can be concerning a product, character, scenery, crafts et cetera. In contrast to the expository articles, descriptive articles also require extensive research. However, on the contrary, the latter emphasizes clear-cut factual descriptions rather than supporting either side of the argument. Furthermore, combining attentive details, authentic information with self-explanatory graphics and images, descriptive articles are one of the most in-demand content writing types required by editors, journalists, and publishers.

These articles do not persuade the readers but provide them with comprehensive knowledge about what they want to know all about. Comprehending all the aforementioned parameters, Content Raj’s descriptive article writing services include the following domains:

  • Product Description
  • Profession and Career Information
  • Technical Writing
  • Comparison Descriptions
  • Nature Writing

Narrative Article Writing Services

Narrative Articles generally tell a story. It is about what and how an event happened. This type of writing unravels dialogues, characters, and situations which can vary from action to motivational and even disputes or any sort of discussions.

Devil is in the details, and therefore, our narrative article writing services provide:

  • Biographical pieces
  • Story Writing
  • Review Writing
  • Anecdotes

Persuasive Article Writing Services

Persuasive writing includes arguments, opinions, justifications, and reasons of the writer to persuade the reader. This type of writing can be biased as well towards one side of the story. Persuasive writing like opinions or reviews makes readers take a stance or make a choice too. Some other aspects of content writing included in this article type are copywriting for advertising, descriptive writing to strengthen persuasion, and many more.

These are the major article writing categories. However, depending on the specific content requirement, other subtypes can also be included within these article categories.

Use of Article Writing

Article Writing is a very important medium for modern day marketing for numerous reasons. First of all, it provides authentic and relevant knowledge to the one who seeks it. Learning from other’s experience and knowledge is one of the greatest advantages of Article writing and reading.

Secondly and most importantly, the benefit of article writing is the visibility it provides to a company or an individual. An expert SEO Article Writer knows that with suitable SEO tactics and high-grade writing skills, one can establish themselves on the internet successfully.  Article Writing is a great tool to improve a website’s visibility and to improve traffic.

Nowadays, articles are one of the most read contents on the internet. People prefer to read online rather than offline. This presents companies with a targeted audience which they can attract if their content is interesting and relevant. Moreover, in many cases, the motive of article writing is achieved when a content not only helps in strengthening the brand value but also in establishing the foundation.

Our handpicked Content marketing team members develop articles which not only focus on just giving information to the interested audience but also generate the interest within the readers. However, to achieve this feat it is imperative to be well-versed with the intricacies of article writing.

Do’s and Don’ts of Article Writing

For a performance content development strategy, it is vital to be knowledgeable of the know-how of all the Article Writing Services and differentiate between the ones that you can count on. This can be achieved by comparing the motive that a service provider follows. Whether the agency or the company simply wants to sell its services or is it more focused on providing relevant information to the seekers. This also demonstrates the capability and vision of an experienced content development service provider.

We, at Content Raj, in our content writing training and development help our trainees to understand the value of brainstorming and contemplation which must be involved in each article and therefore apply the same for our clients.

Do’s of Article Writing

Research, research, and Research!

Research a lot about your content thoroughly and responsibly. Try to add information which readers find useful and can apply in their daily lives.

Be up-to-date

While writing articles, it is important to stay in touch with what is happening in the world and how to provide your readers with a well-informed content.

Use Relevant Keywords

Use keywords in your articles to rank them up on the internet searches. Use keywords properly to improve visibility and proportionality.

Add Links

Strategically insert appropriate inbound and outbound links in your content while writing an article. Highlight keywords and add hyperlinks in order to create a better user experience as well as to maintain a good Domain Authority.

Make it easy to read

While writing, make sure that the structure you follow especially focuses on quality. Have a well-defined structure for your article and don’t use too fancy vocabulary. Make it easy to read and understand so that the reader can relate to it more and more.

Proofreading is the key

No matter how much you trust your writing skills, edit your content again and again until you are sure that there are absolutely no errors left in it.

Don’ts of Article Writing

Don’t Compromise on Quality

No matter how boring or tough it may seem, but never, ever send your content unless you are completely sure of its quality. Make sure that your content is error-free and has a nice flow.

Don’t Ramble

Don’t just keep on going on and on about things. Breathe and let your readers catch a breath too. Write precisely and don’t go overboard with what you want to write. Keep it short and crisp.

Say ‘No’ to Plagiarism

Never, ever copy someone else’s work. Plagiarism is a crime – morally and legally. It also threatens the reputation of the organization. Try to be as original as possible and say no to copying.

Don’t ignore the power of Introduction and Conclusion

A good introduction and conclusion can make and break things. Don’t write them vaguely. Think about them carefully before you actually write them.

Article Writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, but with Content Raj’s training programs, one can easily learn to ace it, and with our Article Writing Services, you can possess it. Avail our specializations in Content Strategy, Development, and Marketing and let us help you obtain your aspirations of digital expansion! Contact us now to start your journey to the top.